Account Takeover Vulnerability in CTFd by CTFd
Key Information:
- Vendor
- Ctfd
- Status
- Ctfd
- Vendor
- CVE Published:
- 2 January 2025
CTFd, a platform for capture-the-flag competitions, has a security issue involving token management for account activation and password resets. Tokens utilized for these operations can be applied interchangeably, creating a risk where an on-path attacker could hijack a user account by exploiting these tokens during their active period. The tokens, sent as GET parameters, are not constrained to single use, which further enables the possibility of token replay attacks. Additionally, these tokens contain base64 encoded user email information. The vulnerability impacts versions up to 3.7.4 and has been mitigated in version 3.7.5, following improvements made in response to this issue.
Affected Version(s)
CTFd 0 <= 3.7.4
Exploit Proof of Concept (PoC)
PoC code is written by security researchers to demonstrate the vulnerability can be exploited. PoC code is also a key component for weaponization which could lead to ransomware.
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Public PoC available
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Exploit known to exist
Vulnerability published
Vulnerability Reserved