Nvidia Cloud Gaming (guest Driver) Vulnerabilities
Nvidia Nvidia Cloud Gaming (guest Driver) vulnerabilities.
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Kernel Mode Layer Driver Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver
CVE-2023-0194NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...2LOWOut-of-Bounds Read in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows and Linux
CVE-2023-0188NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.5MEDIUMOut-of-Bounds Read Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows and Linux
CVE-2023-0187NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...6.1MEDIUMOut-of-Bounds Write Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2023-0183NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.1HIGHOut-of-Bounds Write Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows
CVE-2023-0186NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...6.1MEDIUMOut-of-Bounds Write Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows
CVE-2023-0182NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.8HIGHNVIDIA GPU Display Driver Vulnerability in Windows and Linux
CVE-2023-0181NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.1HIGHBuffer Oversight in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2023-0198NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...6.6MEDIUMOut-of-Bounds Access Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows and Linux
CVE-2023-0191NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.1HIGHKernel Mode Handler Flaw in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2023-0189NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...8.8HIGHKernel Mode Layer Driver Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows
CVE-2023-0195NVIDIAvGPU software (guest d...2.4LOWDenial of Service and Information Disclosure in NVIDIA GPU Driver for Linux
CVE-2023-0180NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.1HIGHNVIDIA GPU Driver Vulnerability in Windows Display System
CVE-2022-34683NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...πΎπ‘5.5MEDIUMData Tampering and Information Disclosure in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-34684NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.3MEDIUMOut-of-Bounds Array Access in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-42254NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.3MEDIUMKernel Mode Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-42255NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.3MEDIUMKernel Mode Layer Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-42256NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.3MEDIUMNVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux Vulnerability in Kernel Mode Layer
CVE-2022-42258NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.3MEDIUMInteger Overflow in NVIDIA GPU Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-42259NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...4.4MEDIUMUnauthorized Access in NVIDIA vGPU Display Driver for Linux Guests
CVE-2022-42260NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.8HIGHInteger Overflow Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-42263NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.1HIGHVulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux - Out-of-Range Pointer Offset
CVE-2022-42264NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...7.1HIGHNVIDIA GPU Display Driver Vulnerability in Windows Exposes Sensitive Information
CVE-2022-42266NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.5MEDIUMInteger Overflow Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux
CVE-2022-42257NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...5.3MEDIUMUser Mode Vulnerability in NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows
CVE-2022-34669NvidiaVgpu Software (guest D...8.8HIGH