Apache Latest High & Critical Vulnerabilities
Latest High & Critical vulnerabilities published by apache
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Improper Neutralization of Formula Elements in Export CSV Feature of Apache Ranger
CVE-2024-55532ApacheApache Ranger9.8CRITICALDeserialization Vulnerability in Apache EventMesh Plugin
CVE-2024-56180ApacheApache Eventmesh9.8CRITICALClass Serialization Filter Bypass in Apache Ignite by Apache
CVE-2024-52577ApacheApache Ignite9.5CRITICALCross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Apache Atlas by Apache
CVE-2024-46910ApacheApache Atlas7.1HIGHSQL Injection Vulnerability in Apache Fineract by Apache
CVE-2024-32838ApacheApache Fineract9.4CRITICALRemote Code Execution in Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob-UI
CVE-2022-31764ApacheApache Shardingsphere ...8.5HIGHDenial of Service Vulnerability in Apache James Email Server
CVE-2024-37358ApacheApache James Server8.6HIGHMemory Consumption Vulnerability in Apache James Server
CVE-2024-45626ApacheApache James Server7.5HIGHPrivilege Escalation Vulnerability in Apache Cassandra
CVE-2025-23015ApacheApache Cassandra8.8HIGHPseudo-Random Number Generator Flaw in Apache Cocoon by Apache
CVE-2025-24783ApacheApache Cocoon7.5HIGHXML External Entity Vulnerability in Apache Ambari and Oozie
CVE-2025-23195ApacheApache Ambari7.5HIGHRemote Code Injection Vulnerability in Apache Ambari Metrics by Apache
CVE-2024-51941ApacheApache Ambari8.8HIGHCode Injection Vulnerability in Ambari Alert Definition by Apache
CVE-2025-23196ApacheApache Ambari8.8HIGHSSRF Vulnerability in Apache Ranger UI Version 2.4.0
CVE-2024-45479ApacheApache Ranger9.1CRITICALDenial of Service Vulnerability in Apache CXF Software
CVE-2025-23184ApacheApache Cxf7.5HIGHInsufficient Session Expiration in Apache Airflow Fab Provider
CVE-2024-45033ApacheApache Airflow Fab Pro...8.1HIGHDeserialization Vulnerability in Apache OpenMeetings by The Apache Software Foundation
CVE-2024-54676ApacheApache Openmeetings9.8CRITICALRemote Code Execution Risk in Apache MINA ObjectSerializationDecoder
CVE-2024-52046ApacheApache Mina🥇📈10CRITICALSQL Injection Vulnerability in Apache Traffic Control
CVE-2024-45387ApacheApache Traffic Control📈💰👾📰8.8HIGHRace Condition Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat Affects Multiple Versions
CVE-2024-56337ApacheApache Tomcat🥇📈👾📰9.8CRITICALRace Condition Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat Leading to Remote Code Execution
CVE-2024-50379ApacheApache Tomcat🥇📈👾🟡📰9.8CRITICALIncorrectly Identified SQL DML Statement Vulnerability Affects Apache Superset Before 4.1.0
CVE-2024-55633ApacheApache Superset7.1HIGHImproper Authorization Vulnerability in Apache Superset
CVE-2024-53949ApacheApache Superset7.6HIGHUnchecked Error Condition Vulnerability Affects Apache Tomcat
CVE-2024-52316ApacheApache Tomcat👾🟡9.8CRITICALInjection and CSRF Vulnerability in Apache OFBiz Prior to 18.12.17
CVE-2024-48962ApacheApache Ofbiz8.8HIGH